Lovechild Educare
Currently this creche has 110 children housed in 4 wooden sheds. The children are taught and fed daily so receive both the nutrition and stimulation necessary to ensure healthy development. We are working to get this school a proper building. We have already identified the land and got the necessary permissions.
We need R660,000 to complete.
​Many of the books, leaflets & posters used to educate people in clinics, hospitals & schools quickly become torn and damaged & sometimes even stolen. By painting directly onto the walls of schools & hospitals we can give life changing, critical information for decades, safe in the knowledge that it cannot be stolen & very rarely damaged beyond recoogntion! Some of our paintings even glow in the dark- incredibly useful where electricity is limited or non existant. This one warns of the dangers to your child by using traditional medicines.
Clynfyw Partner project
​Working with another NGO based in Wales, UK, we are distributing books to creches and pre schools here in KZN. Anna Hibiscus, is a little African girl whose life is one adventure after another. Written by Atinuke, a Nigerian storyteller, the tales are a medley of traditional folklore and contemporary urban life.
"Wheelie good idea!" Mobility aids
We have linked a partner organisation in the UK with an NGO here in order to ship and distribute hundreds of mobility aids, wheel chairs, crutches, & prosthetics to those in need here in KZN.
School link
​Linking schools in the UK with those we work with here in Kwa Zulu Natal. If you work with a school or youth group and would like to be linked with one of our creches, then please, get in touch!
Madagascar Project
​Cassy was given the opportunity to go to Madagascar in October this year to pray & paint in the community there. She went with CAPRO & linked with a church in Antananarivo. Click here to have a 4 minute whirlwind tour!